Our School

F.D. Roosevelt Public School is located at 560 Second Street in London with a population of approximately 420 students. Our daily activities our based around our mission of "Creating Excellence in Character and Learning."  FDR is a vibrant and active professional learning community. Students, teachers, support staff, parents and community partners work together to ensure a positive and supportive learning experience for all. Our school community places a focus on excellence and success and celebrates our accomplishments. The fundamental purpose of our school is to see to it that all our students learn at high levels, recognizing that the future of our students depends upon our success. All our practices and actions align with this fundamental purpose. Our staff works collaboratively to continually assess our effectiveness in achieving our purpose on the basis of results - tangible evidence that our students are acquiring the knowledge, skills and dispositions essential to their future success.

We are a Balanced Day school.  A Balanced Day schedule means that school lunches occur twice during the day with time to eat (nutrition break) and time for outdoor activity (activity break).  It is important that student lunches include food for students to eat at both nutrition breaks.


© 2023 , 560 Second Street, London . Tel. 519-452-8190, Fax 519-452-8199, forestcity@tvdsb.ca, Superintendent: J. Beynon, Trustees: M. Larsen, L. Osbourne